Monday, May 31, 2010

Adventure Part Dos

The. Great. Wall.

Phew. I am tempted to leave this entry at that, because here is NO possible way I can describe our experience on there. It was absolutely insane.

Disclaimer: This adventure was probably the most outdoors-y thing I ever have done and ever will do in my entire life. I in no way claim to be as epic as this post makes me out to be.

We split up into two taxis and rode on wiiiindy roads through villages until we finally got to the little village that we started our hike from. There was a huge sign (see above) warning us, but we still had no idea what we were getting ourselves into.

We hiked up to where we made camp on the Wall for the night. And after some adventuring, settled in and set up hammocks and our former boyscout got our fire going in no time.

our campsite

the view :)

Long story short - what we thought would be a 4 hour hike, turned into a 7 & 1/2 hour hike with no water. The Wall is not what the pictures on the intenrnet would led you to believe. The majority of it is crumbling and in need of some extensive repair. Mongols, you're some tough dudes... But the Chinese knew what's up in terms of protection. This is one serious Wall.

Throughout the whole hike, I was so impressed with the group of people I was with. I do not remember a single person complaining, not even once. One thing that I did heare a lot of, was encouragement. Literally we did not go more than 10 minutes without me hearing someone encourage someone else. Whether it was assuring them they were not going to die, or telling them that this was something they could do - that we'd do it together... These are the most encouraging group of people I have ever been around. Really. I saw and heard Jesus through them so many times while in China, especially on the Wall.

I am SO thankful that the Lord allowed us to have this (what we thought to be a) planning error. Had it not been hard, had we not been thirsty and forced to rely on eachother and Him to get us through this - we would have never learned the things He was trying to teach.
I'm thinking there's a bit of a life lesson in here..

Giving thanks that God is so much better than I can imagine

Friday, May 28, 2010

Tales from the Other Side of the World - Adventure 1

May 11, 2010
After 4 billion hours on the plane, we finally landed in China.

I was unnecessarily surprised by the fact that everyone was Chinese... Go figure. They were all SO beautiful! And a few of them even reminded me of my dad (haha and sorry dad if you ever read this. But you are Chinese you know.) That's when it really hit me. This place is real. These people are real. God didn't just call us to some Narnia (kathryn :) ). He called us to the other side of the world to these people who He is really in Love with. I couldn't believe that God was going to allow me to go on this adventure with Him. He's so Fun!

We had favor in going through customs and everything went really smoothly. I was shocked at how different the reality of the trip was from what we had thought it was going to be, which was kind of a theme of the trip. (I'll explain more later.)

We met Jason at baggage claim and were whisked off to the bus to start the bus ride to the hostel. I was shocked at how nice it was, and the realization that this whole traveling around the world is something I could easily get used to started to hit me. This is possible. And we are doing it right now. I also had every Asian driver stereotype confirmed over the course of 5 minutes on the bus. In China, if an accident happens - it is the fault of the person who saw the other person. If you didn't see them, it's not technically your fault... I feel like that sort of sums it all up.

The next morning we ate jiaozi (Chinese dumplings) in a restaurant next to the hostel and started out for our tourist-y day. We went to the Forbidden City (see picture), and Tiananmen Square.
Tianamen Square really stayed with me more than the gradeur of the Forbidden City. It was absolutely shocking to think of all that occurred there almost 21 years ago. The hustle and bustle of China has pretty much iced over the tragedy (from what I could tell). It is definitely a tourist attraction that people flock to. We prayed there as a team. That is really when it all sunk in - China's turbulent history, China's changing present, and its Gorious future.
I was comforted by an idea and a picture I believe is from the Lord that centered on this place. Tianamen Square, just like everything else, has hope to be Redeemed. One day it will be a place of worship. God is in the business of taking filth and making it Restored and giving a Future to those things, places, and people who have a past. One day it will be filled with those who love Him, and are drawn to give honor to the King rather than a former emperor or chairman.

Praise Him.

and here's to Hope,

Standing Next to Tianamen Square

This wall has the character for "double blessing" on it (I think). A character that is typically used with weddings. It is thought to bring good luck and a happy marriage to those who rub it... Hence the girls mauling the wall.

In a garden in the Forbidden City

Just a really sweet picture from inside the Forbidden City

*All pictures are from my lovely friend Lisa. I can claim none of them as my own skills. She's the bomb. And so are her pics.*

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Leaving on a Jet Plane

We know where the Spirit of the Lord is
Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty
We're Yours and Yours is the Kingdom
We're Yours and Yours is the kingdom

In one day I am going to a place where the Spirit of the Lord is and where spiritual freedom is the only type of freedom that His believers experience. A place where persecution is not a thing of the past, but a daily threat. They are torn away from their families and thrown into prison for doing what God calls everyone of us who call ourselves believers to do. Share the Good News (Mt 28:18-20).

And although I have only caught tiny glimpses into the Lord's heart and His desire for these people, I rest assured in the fact that the same Christ that died for me died for every single person there. As badly as God wanted (and wants) me, He wants them. And God will not relent or waver until He has reclaimed what is His. He is a jealous God, a consuming fire (deut 4:24).

So these song lyrics bring me hope. They remind me of the Lord's sovereignty. The Kingdom of Heaven is His. The entire kingdom on earth and all on it, whether they know it yet or not, whether they deny His existence or worship at His feet... All of it is His. The people of this nation we are going to, they have been ransomed and reconciled. As I await and long for them to be awoken to the Love that cries out to them, the Almighty keeps crying out and will continue into eternity. He is relentless. All He can do is Love His children. He doesn't know any different.

Praise Him.