Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Daily Grind

May 17, 2010 - May 20, 2010

I want to explain what we did on a day-to-day basis and give you some of the highlights from it. So here it is:

Normal day in china:
Wake up
9:00am Worship together as a team (just the wesley team + MH and sometimes his wife)
10:00am Students arrive at the house, and we all worship together (in chinese and english)
Play icebreaker games
Dance together
Hang out and talk
12:30ish Leave the house and go with our groups to the park/to have lunch
12:30ish - whenever
We hang out with our discipleship group and talk. Some about life, some about discipleship, some about teaching. We
teach. They teach. It's a beautiful thing.
Then the students go home, and we go home to whatever adventure awaits us for that evening.

Highlights throughout the week from discipleship time with the students:
We asked them share their testimonies with us. One of our students started his with "Well... When I was 1 year old I died for 13 minutes." Hahah. I'm sorry what?! Trust me our mouths were all hanging open too. It was ridiculous. He went on to tell us that while he was dead his grandfather told his mom to throw him away. The doctor said he would not live. But his mother believed in the power of God and would not give up. She prayed that the Lord would save her baby, and he woke back up. Not just woke back up... Came back from the dead! And this student concluded the story with "I think it strengthened her faith and love for God." My goodness. I think so.

The Lord really broke down so many communication walls and heart walls within the students. There was absolutely nothing sweeter than to see/hear when the Holy Spirit made everything click within them. And they just got it. Really got it. One of the students summarized discipleship so simply and perfectly. She said "The way we can really teach them (new believers, believers at any walk in their life) is by loving them. And building relationships and listening to what they need encouragement and how they receive love." Thank you Spirit! Because I heard the words we that were coming out of our mouths while we were teaching... and they only got it, it only made a difference because You taught.

God's protection over all of the discipleship groups. One day a police officer came and stood 2-feet away from our group and watched and listened for 10 minutes. Then walked away. Lisa (one of the americans on the trip) later told us that a person had been arrested in the same park where all of us were meeting, for sharing the Bible earlier that week.

Man oh man. It was a really good week with them. It feels so surreal. But I know that even though I am gone, many many people still remain ministering to chinese believers. It neither starts nor ends with me. Praise the Lord!

We love because he first loved us. - 1 John 4:19

Some park-regulars :)

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