We traveled from Beijing to the city we stayed in for the rest of the trip. (I can't type the name of the city for security reasons.. Sorry to be so sketchy!)
They warned us and warned us and warned us... But I didn't really believe it until we were thousands of feet in the air and my stomach was up in my throat... Chinese flights are VERY different from American flights. Think about their driving, and put it up into the air. Now you can understand why the flight was much less relaxing, and much more roller-coaster-esque. Our missionary host (who will be known as MH from here on out) thinks that rather than wasting extra fuel (aka $$) to go around the turbulence, like American flights, they just go straight through it. Waste not, want not.
After we arrived, we went to MH's house to meet his family and the Chinese students! We played a name game (my days as a camp counselor paid off after all :) ) And actually got to know all 16 of them. They were so sweet. I also found out who I would be partnering with from our team for the week. We split up into groups, 2 Americans to 3-4 Chinese students for discipling purposes.
Then the MH took us and his family out to their favorite restaurant. Eating in China is an experience and a half. It's much more family-style dining. And it's completely okay to put things on other people's plate, or eat things off of their plate when they offer it. We sat on little chairs about 1-foot off the ground. And threw all of our trash on the floor (as is normal in many restaurants in China)... See I told you mom, my messiness isn't rude. I'm just making myself at home! :)
shortie post. more later.
with Love,
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